A Grandfather You Never Knew

Today, December 13, 2022, marks the 105th birthday of my Dad, Clyde Ferguson Coppock. For David, Kim, Suzie, and Bill, he is the grandfather you never had the pleasure to know. He would have been so proud of all of you, including his great-grandchildren. Jan and I were lucky to have him as a father and a confidant during our youth and teenage years. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to see us as adults. He died of kidney failure on March 1, 1965, at the age of 47. Dad loved football and fishing. His happiest moments, I think, were the summers we spent at Battle Lake, where he could relax, fish, swim, and not have to deal with business matters at Coppock Motors, Inc. He and Mother were wonderful parents, encouraging us and supporting us in everything we did. He was an active member of First Baptist, serving as a long-time Deacon, singing in the choir and as a soloist at times, and participating in several church activities. Dad ha...