Wedding Day: August 24, 1914

My paternal grandparents, Arnold J Coppock and Ethel (nee Ferguson) Coppock, were married in Dakota City, Nebraska, on the 24th of August, 1914. The story below is verbatim from Grandma Coppock's written notes. Thanks to my cousin Connie, these were faithfully typed from the original. In the summer of 1914 Arnold was still at his sister Goldie's and Tom's (Hummel) farm. He used to get so lonely out there. One day Goldie and the kids came to visit Grandma Coppock (Mary Jane (Horton) Coppock, and she then came down to visit my mother (Elizabeth Ashton Ferguson). She asked my mother if I could go home with her for over Sunday. Mama said, "I'll have to ask her father. We don't let our children go away from home very much." So Mama asked my father (Michael Ferguson) if it would be okay for me to go, and he said, "Yes, but she can only stay until Monday morning. So I took my good blue shoes, a housedress, and nightie, so we could go to ...