Spring is just "around the corner". Daylight Savings Time, the vernal equinox, and warmer weather are here, or close at hand. With spring, we are reminded of the poem, "Love Springs Eternal", and with good reason. It is certainly true for our family in this spring of 2021. You'll learn why in this blog, but let's first read the final lines of Anthony Halat's poem: ".... She enchanted him, he fascinated her, Shyness and sadness, no longer alone in the lands, Bound together with shared demands, Felt by both, 'Love springs eternal'. A life of bliss, spirits entwined, Love that is pure in spirit and mind. Life mates forever, happiness found in the land, Touched by fate's tender hands, Love springs eternal! - Anthony Halat Our granddaughter Kiley Coppock said "Yes", and just like that, she and Mason Vogel became engaged in early February of this year. They both grew up in the Hunter's Ridge area in Marion, attende...