"2 Great-Grandkids and 2 Anniversaries"

The legacy of Arnold and Ethel began with the birth of their two sons Ashton and Clyde, continued with three grandchildren (Darrell, Janice, and Connie), and expanded again during the 1960's.  Their first two great-grandchildren were born in 1964 and 1969; and, lo and behold, they both celebrate wedding anniversaries this week!  Hence, let's introduce David Alan Coppock and Kim Bates Scott.

Our son David was born February 4, 1964, in Wayne, Nebraska, while Kathy and I were living in married student housing at Wayne State College.  David attended grade school at Wapsie Valley in Readlyn, Iowa, and then in Indianola, Iowa.  He graduated from Indianola H.S. in 1982, where he played baseball, football and tennis.

Attending Buena Vista College from 1982 -1986, he lettered in both football and tennis all 4 years.  He met Julie Lauck in college, and they were married in 1986.  David began a long career as a sales rep and sales manager with Professional Office Services, Inc. that same year.  He just celebrated his 34th year with the company, currently serving as Vice President, Sales for the Eastern United States.

Finding love a second time, David married Janet Lancial in Marion, Iowa, on June 29, 2013.  The photo above shows the whole family:  (L-R:  Brittney Lancial, Braxton Lancial, Janet, David, Dain Coppock, Kiley Coppock, and Erin Coppock Strellner.)  David and Janet now live in Lake Jovita, a golf community just east of Tampa, FL.


Kim Bates was born to Janice Kay (Coppock) and William W. (Bill) Bates on March 4, 1969, in Providence, Rhode Island, while Bill was attending Officers' Candidate School for the U.S. Navy.
The family later moved to San Diego while Bill spent a year in Vietnam, then later settled in Storm Lake, Iowa.  Kim attended school in Storm Lake until they relocated to Topeka, Kansas.  Kim was active in many activities, especially volleyball, and she graduated from Washburn Rural H.S. in 1987.  She attended the University of Kansas in Lawrence and graduated in May of 1992.
Kim worked in retail sales after graduating from KU, and on July 1, 1995, she and Todd Scott were married in Topeka, KS.

Kim and Todd now live in Kansas City, Missouri.  Kim has worked in pharmaceutical sales and training, educational sales, and as a "sports mom" for soccer, volleyball, football, etc.  Todd began working for Farmland Industries and is now an executive with Smithfield Foods, which bought Farmland several years ago.  They divide their time between KC and their lake home on Lake of the Ozarks during the summer months.   Shown below is a family picture with daughter Teryn and son Trevor.


Stay tuned for more anniversaries, birthdays, and special occasions in the months ahead.  Have a great 4th of July holiday weekend.




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